Na podstawie umowy zawartej dnia 20.10.2016  z firmą ERBUD Industry Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Toruniu ECOENERGIA, ECOENERGIA jako podwykonawca, wykonała prace projektowe dla zadania inwestycyjnego realizowanego na zlecenie PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A. pn.: „Budowa instalacji katalitycznego odazotowania spalin dla dwóch kotłów Benson OP-206 wraz z modernizacją podgrzewaczy wody, wentylatorów spalin i obrotowych podgrzewaczy powietrza w Elektrowni Pomorzany”

Energomontaż Północ

Ecoenergia Sp. z o.o. Warsaw performed in 2008, on behalf of Energomontaż Północ S.A. – the main contractor for the installation work, design work related to modernization of OP-650 boiler No. K5 in Kozienice, whose aim was to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases.


Ecoenergia Sp. z o.o, as a general contractor executed in Power Plant No. 4 Dalkia Łódź S.A. in the turnkey formula, construction of a biomass co-firing installation in steam boilers EC4 and the scope of work included the following:


In 2000 Ecoenergia Sp. z o.o. Warsaw executed modernization of OP Pauker 130 boiler No. 3 in the Power Department of Chemical Company DWORY S.A., currently ENERGETYKA – DWORY Sp. z o.o., whose aim was to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases.

PGE EC Rzeszów

On the day of 30 April 2014 Ecoenergia signed a contract with PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna and has become a general contractor of WP-120 boiler modernization project. The project is aimed at reduction of the minimum capacity of K6 boiler operated by Rzeszów cogeneration plant. It has been planned that the boiler’s minimum operational…

PGNIG Termika – Wola District Heating Plant

On the day of 27 March 2014 Ecoenergia signed a contract with Energomontaż Zachód Sp. z o.o. Wrocław covering cooperation during execution of the contract with PGNiG Termika for modernization of the boiler house containing four PTWM-100 boilers operated by WOLA district heating plant. The contract is aimed at conversion of mazout fired boilers (K2, K3 and K4) into Ekoterm light oil units.