Regarding the combustion of biomass for Soda Polska Ciech Sp. z o. o.
Development entitled “Guidelines for the energy modernization of Soda Polska Ciech for biomass combustion to reduce C02 emission”, was commissioned and accomplished as an alternative to the existing gas combustion system for Soda Polska Ciech Sp. z o. o. based in Inowrocław.
The Purchaser ordered to examine the possibility of combustion of biomass under three potential scenarios:
Scenario I
- Janikosoda – deep dry biomass co-firing with dedicated pulverized coal burners.
- Inowrocław – co-firing wet or dry biomass administered to the boiler together with coal using an existing milling system.
Scenario II
- Janikosoda – deep dry biomass co-firing with dedicated pulverized coal burners.
- Inowrocław – deep dry biomass co-firing with dedicated pulverized coal burners.
Scenario III
- Janikosoda – conversion of OP-140 boiler to the biomass boiler.
- Inowrocław – conversion of OP-110 boiler to the biomass boiler.
When analyzing the upgrading scenarios Ecoenergia considered infrastructure conditions for individual variants after the team conducted a detailed analysis of the facts on-site.
Ecoenergia made every possible effort to explore the possibilities of using biomass for each location, conducted balance analysis, taking into account the anticipated production volumes, fuel consumption, costs, etc., having regard to the key environmental indicators.